शुक्रवार, २० नोव्हेंबर, २०२०

Happy Diwali

 🪔 *Happy Diwali* 🪔

Let's indulge in "Diwali Cleaning" of our True Homes : *Our Minds* 

Clear *Our Minds* off the hugely Messy Stuff

Take out Expectations, Regrets, Worries, Comparisons, Grudges, Secrets and Complexes; I am sure it's not tough 

Let's create valuable space in our Minds for Positivity, 

Give it a renewed experience of Peace, Tranquility & Prosperity.

Let's brighten our Lives in an unique way this Year. 

Celebrate Diwali by keeping Mind & Body Healthy, for ever & ever

*Happy Deepawali & Warm Regards,*


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