बुधवार, १० मे, २०२३

Been there Done That

 *Been there Done that* 

Have you ever tried to know,

How I have Achieved till now

Being a small town girl,

Never thought will reach till here

Always had a dream to achieve,

And fight back my own Fears 

Try not to compare me, Coz I am not competing with Others,

I have enough competition within Myself and thats what really Matters

Might go further or might not go for more,

But now I am sure, if I decide Opportunities will knock the Door 

Some times I need to be myself, rather than running around in a Rat Race,

Without any misunderstandings, I hope you'll give me that Space

Mrs Archana Dixit


We work for Women Empowerment. 

It's not just a comment,  it's a full time Commitment. 

Women have the Power

To bring the world Together.

Our MOTO is Anchoring Lives in  every Situation 

We always work for this eternal Mission. 

So come forward and hold each Other 

We are the ones to build the Future. 

For Women Empowerment we always Pray

On this occasion we wish you all Happy NWWA Day. 

Mrs Archana Dixit 

Sudarshan Kriya

 Breath in and Breath Out

Everyone knows it without any Doubt

We all part of this beautiful Course

To know about the Universal Force  

Get connected to the energy known as God

Come let's join in with a positive Nod

Sudarshan Kriya teaches us the Art of Living

Here money doesn't matter, but our experience is the best Saving 

Mrs Archana Dixit 

My Father

 For everyone you were Math-e-Magician

But for me you were my hero of some Vision 

You always stood by my Decision

And have taught me the Perfection 

Every step I took in my life as an Individual

You supported me without any Hustle 

Dad no one can replace You

I know you are still there to show me the right path, even though it is New 

My Mom

 She's a real Life Connoisseur

The reason she's been an Achiever

By profession, Always a Teacher

For whom, Learning is a never ending Procedure

She's mastered Social Media & Phonepe

All alone she's a Hope of Ray 

This Social Worker has touched many a Life

Emerging as an Inspiration for many a Wife 

She's overcome all Weaknesses & achieved Strength

May the Almighty bless this B'Day Girl with Happiness & continued good Health

आली दिवाळी

 वात्सल्याची जाणिव,🤱🏻

मैत्रीचे धन,👯‍♀️👯🏻‍♂️

अहंकाराला नरक,😈

लक्ष्मीचे पूजन, 💰

पाडवा पहाट, 🌄

बंधुत्वाची भावना,🫂

अलवार पावलांनी आली,👣

आली दिवाळी आली🪔

आपल्याला दिर्घायुष्याची सदिच्छा

शिशिरार्चनारुष कडून दिवाळीच्या शुभेच्छा


वात्सल्य भावना 🤱🏻

दोस्ती का खजाना👯‍♀️👯🏻‍♂️

अहंकारी को नरक😈

लक्ष्मीजी की पुजा💰

भाईदुज की पुजा 🫂

दबे पैरोंसे है आई, 👣

आई दिवाली आई 🪔

आप सबके दिर्घायुष्य की कामना

इस दिवाली पर यही है शुभकामना


Affection for Loved ones🤱🏻

Friendship with Everyone👯‍♀️👯🏻‍♂️

Hell for Egoism😈

Worship for Prosperity💰

Worship for Brotherhood🫂

Every day with new Lights 

This Diwali enjoy the Delights

Wishing you all for good Health

Happy Diwali for desired Wealth 


मास्तर तुम्ही नसता तर

मायेची ऊब निर्माण झाली नसती, 

जर पहिली गुरु आई नसती

पडल्यावर उभी राहू शकले नसते,

जर बाबांनी हात धरून उठवले नसते

शाळेची शिस्त कधी कळलीच नसती, 

जर गुरुजींनी छडी फिरवलीच नसती

नात्यांची ओढ लागली नसती,

जर आप्तेष्टांची पाठीवर थाप नसती

सुख दुःखाची किंमत कळली नसती,

जर मित्र मैत्रिणींची साथ मिळाली नसती

मिळून काम करणे शिकले नसते,

जर बॉसने टिम वर्क दिले नसते 

दुनियादारी शिकलेच नसते, 

जर स्वतःच्या चौकटीत बंदिस्त असते 

सर्वांगीण प्रगतीची कवाडे उघडली नसती, 

जर मास्तर म्हणून प्रत्येक व्यक्तीकडे नजर गेली नसती

तेव्हा आपणा सर्वांचे धन्यवाद करूच शकले नसते, 

जर शिक्षक दिनाचे औचित्य साधले नसते

सौ अर्चना दीक्षित